Meals-On-Wheels Delivery & Outings

The YWCA Meals-on-Wheels (MoW) is a meals programme running since August 1997. We serve 3 core groups:

  • Children between the ages of 5-12 years from low-income families
  • Senior citizens aged 60 and above who are needy, frail and homebound
  • Persons with Disabilities between the ages of 13-59 years

This initiative aims to provide two nutritious meals daily for our struggling children, seniors and persons with disabilities in the community so they do not go to bed hungry.

Volunteers have the opportunity to interact with the beneficiaries through some of the special projects that run on an ad-hoc basis. This includes taking the children out for grocery shopping to teach them how to manage their finances and organise activities for Grandparents’ Day.


Meals-On-Wheels (Elderly/Disabled):

Roles Description Schedule
Attendant Deliver meals to the elderly, transport provided. 1 – 2 volunteers on ad-hoc weekday mornings for meals delivery
Befriender Accompany and befriend elderly during outings Ad-hoc


Commit your support today! Fill in the volunteer form or drop us a call at 62231227 or email us at if you have any enquiries! If you are not able to contribute your time towards our community services, the YWCA invites you to consider making a donation to this programme so we can do more for these deserving elderly and children.