YWCA Empowering Mums: Resume & Interview Skills Clinic

  • YWCA
  • May 27 2019 - 1 MIN READ

As part of the Empowering Mums (EM) project, the YWCA is piloting standalone modules as outreach to new beneficiary mums who cannot commit to the full 10-week project. The first will be a one-time Resume and Interview Skills Clinic featuring a basic resume and interview skills workshop, Human Resources and Recruitment panel, and individual consultation by our corporate volunteers for personal resume and interview roleplay.

The aim of the Resume and Interview Skills Clinic is to help every mum who attends be guaranteed to walk away from the event with a professional resume and greater interview preparedness. The details for the event are:

Date – Fri, 21 Jun 2019
Time – 1.30-5.30pm
Venue – YWCA National Office, 254 Outram Road S169051
Programme –

Time Activity
1pm Registration
1.30pm Welcome
1.40pm Introduction to Resume Writing & Interview Skills workshop
2.30pm Panel – consisting of panelists from corporate Human Resources and recruitment agency firms
3pm Q&A after Panel
3.30pm Refreshments
3.45pm Resume and Interview Skills consultations 45min each (participants to split into two groups then rotate to consult for both)
5.15pm Photo-taking & 5.30pm End of Event

Caseworkers can refer their clients who meet the following criteria to Ms Ling:

  • Mothers from lower-income families
  • Open case with a social service agency or currently on financial assistance
  • Motivated with job urgency to be employed in next 3-6 months
  • Can read and write English at primary school level

Please download the application form here. Applications close on Friday, 14 June. The $5 sign-up fee will be waived. All participants must come prepared with a draft resume or handwritten notes on their past work and study experience.

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